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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Truth About Abs

Click here for V2, unique workouts-bktfotoabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser to see unique workouts for reducing your stomach fat

Truth About Abs

Click here for V1, five foods to burn fat-bktfotoabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this to see the 5 foods that actually burn fat

Truth About Abs

Click here for V21, vegetarian-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy this url to your browser. See that this abs strategy is available to everyone

Click here for V22, how long and how often-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url then see just how little amount of time you need to put into this system to see great results in just 60 days

Truth About Abs

Click here for V20, nutrition section-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url a lot of my readers thought the nutrition section alone was more than worth the investment

Truth About Abs

Click here for V19, never too overweight-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser. Check out this video and see that it does not matter how out of shape you are, start as a beginner and progress from there

Truth About Abs

Click here for V18, never too old-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser. Ten you can see you are never too old to start

Truth About Abs

Click here for V17, used by men & women-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser is this system good for men and women, of course it is

Truth About Abs

Click here for V16 lose fat or build muscle-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser then see the difference between developing muscle and losing fat

Truth About Abs

Click here for V15, secrets for reals abs six pack-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser then see the truth about abs

Truth About Abs

Click here for V14, success with no pills-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to your browser, then see how to get your six pack without pills,belts or gadgets

Truth About Abs

Click here for V13, success for 260,000 people-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser then see how over 260,000 people have had success with this system

Truth About abs

Click here for V12, 60 days or money back-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser then you can get to work on your abs today. If you don´t get a positive result in 60 days get a full refund

Truth About Abs

Click here for V11, think and train to lose fat-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser to see how you can still enjoy your life and watch the belly fat melt away in 60 days

truth About Abs

Click here for V10, Lose stomach fat in 60 days-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see how YOU TOO can lose stomach fat in under 60 days

truth About Abs

Click here for V9, change your workout-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url and see how just a few changes can see you start to melt that belly fat away

Truth About abs

Click here for V8, melt your belly fat-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see how a few simple changes to your workouts could see the belly fat meltin off in just a few weeks

Truth About Abs

Click here for V7, wrong exercises-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see the truth about why you are being told to do the wrong exercise regimes to get a flat stomach

Truth About Abs

Click here for V6, wholegrain lies-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this link and see how whole grain foods are not helping you lose belly fat or get a six pack

Truth About Abs

Click here for V5, Soy not healthy-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see how soy products are not helping you lose fat or get a six pack

Truth About Abs

Truth About Abs

Click here for V3, motivation-fbukabs.wlmp click this or copy and paste to see why the health food industry is tricking you into keeping the fat on your belly

Truth About Abs

Click here for V2, unique workouts-fbukabs.wlmp click or copy and paste this url for unique and proven ab workouts to get your six pack

truth About Abs

Click here for V1, five foods to burn fat-fbuk.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to get info on how to get a flat stomach in 60 days

Truth About Abs

http://tinyurl.comcoolabs click or copy and paste this url to see this amazoing information on how to get a great FLAT stomach or even an amazing rippled six pack. Need further info email me

Truth About Abs

Click here for V22, how long and how often.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see how to achieve the results you truly desire with an ab training programme

Truth About Abs

Click here for V21, vegetarian.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to find out all the great information for six pack abs

The Truth About Abs

Click here for V20, nutrition section.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see the video for great nutritional advice for six pack abs

The Truth About Abs

Click here for V17, used by men & women.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see how you can be successful with this ab workout system for both men & women

The Truth About Abs

Click here for V16, lose fat or build muscle.wlmp click or copy and paste this url for help to build muscle and get rid of stomach fat for amazing results

The Truth About Abs

Click here for V15, secrets for reals abs six pack.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see the secrets about "Real Six Pack Abs"

The Truth About Abs

Click here for V14, success with no pills.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see how you too can get a great flat stomach with NO pills, belts or gadgets

The Truth About Abs

Click here for V13, success for 260,000 people.wlmp click or copy and paste to see the video and join over 260,000 people who have successfully lost their belly fat

The Truth About Abs

Click here for V11, think and train to lose fat.wlmp click the link or copy and paste to see a proven method to eat, train and think while enjoying your life and still strip the fat from your stomach.

Click here for V12, 60 days or money back.wlmp click or copy and paste this url to see how your stomach fat will start to melt away in 60 days or your money back

The Truth About Abs click or copy and paste this url into your browser and watch this great video to get rid of your stubborn belly fat

Click here for V10, Lose stomach fat in 60 days.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser to see for yourself how you can "Realistically" become leaner in 60 days.

The Truth About Abs

Click here for change your workout.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser and watch this great video to get rid of your stubborn belly fat

Click here for change your workout.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser and watch this great video to get rid of your stubborn belly fat

Monday, August 8, 2011

Truth About Abs, Melt Your Belly Fat Now

Click here for melt your belly fat.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser to see the video to show you a few simple exercises to melt your stubborn belly fat away.

The Truth About Abs, Doing The Correct Exercises

Click here for wrong exercises.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your borwser and you could discover why "Fitness Experts" are telling you to do the wrong exercises.

The Truth About Abs, Whole Grain Foods

Click here for wholegrain lies.wlmp click or copy and paste this link into your browser. Find out how to get a flat stomach by staying away from whole grains

The Truth About Abs

Click here for Food industry lies.wlmp click or copy and paste thisurl into your browser to see how the food industry is fooling you into eating the wrong foods

Click here for Soy not healthy.wlmp click or copy and paste this url into your browser to discover the truth about soy and your abs workouts

The Turth About Abs

Click here for abs motivation.wlmp click or copy & paste the url to this video for more information to boost your motivation and mind set for your workout success

Unique Workout To Burn Belly Fat

Click here for unique workouts.wlmp click or copy and paste the link into your browser to find more information on unique workouts to flatten your stomach.

The Truth About Abs click or copy and paste that link to find out more information on a flat stomach

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kickboxing fitness with stretching

Later on we will show some videos for kickboxing fitness with stretching but I just want to expalin a little bit about it. Stertching is vitally important in any sport, exercise or fitness regime. A lot of people think that in kickboxing you have to stretch so that you can perform the high kicks as seen in most action films involving martial arts. However that is only part of the picture. In our kickboxing fitness with stretching programme, we sometimes spend a whole class of forty five minutes purely on stretching. When the sessions are finished the participants are still worn out, just as if they had been working out with punches and kicks to our strike shields and bags. On the calorie burner estimator they have vigorous stretching burning about 180 calories. Again I believe during our stretching sessions we probably burn more calories due to the different types and methods we use to stretch.
The most basic reason that we stretch in our sessions is not just to burn calories, neither is it to ensure you have a chance to get on a movie because you can kick high. The reason we stretch is to strengthen and lengthen the muscles that we are actually stretching. Then as your muscles get longer and stronger, yes you may be able to kick someone in the head (in a friendly competitive way :-) I mean), but you can also deliver a low range or mid range kick with strength, accuracy and your own safety.
When I say "Your own safety" I mean that you can perform the said technique without injuring yourself with pulled orstrained muscles/joints or losing your balance to put yourself in a dangerous situation. When we run our stretching sessions we use static stretching, dynamic stretching and isometric stretching. I wil cover these three different types of stretching later on when we cover a bit more on kickboxing fitness with stretching.

Fitness kickboxing

Have you ever heard the term "Fighting Fit". Yes of course you have. Fitness kickboxing is the workout that will definitely get you there.The thing is though that it is not just an off the cuff remark (fighting fit), it is a truth. To really get yourself fit, get yourself involved in a regular kickboxing workout. A great kickboxing workout will give you an all over body toning exercise programme.

When you workout in kickboxing you use every muscle group in your body, that is why it is such an effective system to get fit. Literally from head to foot, you are exercising. The obvious impact thing you can see is you are going to be punching and kicking on specially designed bags and pads. But when it is done correctly with the correct supervision, you will be using stomach, back and leg muscles just to deliver a good punch. Remember this, when thinking about getting fit, losing weight, cardio fitness and muscle strength think of fitness kickboxing.

Burn calories with Kickboxing Workouts

If weight loss in your concern then take a look at how to burn calories with kickboxing workouts. I have worked this comparison out by using a very accurate online calories burned calculator. I used the weight of a person weighing 130 lbs just as an example. I used the same amount of time that we use when we run our kickboxing sessions, that is forty five minutes. Please check these figures for yourselves but here they are.
Yoga 123 calories burned.
Aerobic type dancing 263 calories burned.
Jogging 310 calories burned.
High impact aerobics 310 calories burned.
Martial arts/Kickboxing 444 calories burned.

There it is the proof you needed. The thing is I believe that the calorie burned calculator is probably being a bit shy with the martial arts workout. I bet a real kickboxing workout would be even higher than that. If you want all over body conditioning and weight control go and find a good kickboxing instructor to help you, you can not find a better way to control weight than to burn calories with kickboxing.

Once you have started using kickboxing as a workout for weight loss, you will never look back. Real Kickboxing workouts using professional strike targets to kick and punch can not be matched for body conditioning and weight control. Also anyone can start kickboxing training, at any age. A lot of people say to me that they are too old because they are in their thirties or forties or even their fifties. Hey as long as you can get a clean bill of health from your own doctor then you can start kickboxing workouts. We have a lot of students in that age range and they love their kickboxing workouts.

Kickboxing For Fitness Warm Ups

I have been training in kickboxing for over 26 years. I do not know of any type of all over body workout that can match a real kickboxing workout. Now remember one thing, and this can be said about anything in life not just physical training, but you only get out what you put in. Over the years I have witnessed many different people taking part in kickboxing workouts all over the world. I have seen people do a two hour kickboxing session and walk off the training floor as if they had been for a gentle stroll around the park. I have also seen people take part in a forty five minute kickboxing session and have to nearly crawl off the training floor. I obviously know who has put the correct amount of effort into their kickboxing for cardio fitness workout and who will gain the benefits of their efforts.

When I am talking about kickboxing training here, I am talking about real kickboxing training. That is a session being coached by a professional kickboxing instructor and using professional punching and kicking strike targets.

To get a real workout in kickboxing you need to use the correct equipment. You need to be able to strike correctly. To do that you need to practice on professional strike targest like Focus Pads to punch for instance. I would never recommend punchingor kicking into thin air, that can seriously damage your joints.

Sometimes as a warm up in my sessions I may do a little shadow boxing. When we are shadow boxing you have to imagine you are punching and kicking to your shadow, as in someone exactly the same size as yourself. Now when we do this we are on our own and we have no targets to strike. However all of the actual striking movements are very gentle movements and never is an arm or a leg extended in a full powerful strike. The main theme here is movement around an are, say a boxing ring, with light footwork and upper body movements as if we were trying to avoid an opponents strikes. It is purely a warm up exercise, we never put speed or power into shadow boxing techniques.

We also sometimes use a leather skipping rope to get warmed up. I believe skipping is a fantastic way to warm up for the more rigorous workout that is ahead. if you think skipping is not a good warm up, it is probably because you can not do it properly. I would recommend everyone buys themselves an inexpensive leather skipping rope and practices every day until you can skip properly. It is a great workout in itself really.   
Only after you have warmed up correctly and stretched your arms and legs should you attempt to use the professional striking targets and put real speed and power into your techniques. Your instructor will have shown you the correct spacing and distances to be away from the different targets, so you should be safe to practice properly and have fun.
Keep the faith friends.

Real Kickboxing Calorie Burner

Do you really want a workout that delivers on the hype? Well look no further than a real kickboxing calorie burner workout. What do I mean by a “Real Kickboxing Workout”? Well have a good look around the fitness and workout world. You will see loads of stuff people call “Cardio Kickboxing” or “Aerobic Kickboxing”. I have to tell you straight, this is not a real kickboxing workout and I also truly believe it can damage your health if you are not careful.
I have been involved in practicing, teaching and competing in kickboxing for over 26 years. I teach real kickboxing techniques using safety kick shields, focus pads for punching and professional punch and kick bags. This is all to do with safety and with truly burning calories during a real kickboxing workout.
To get a great calorie burning workout you need to be working with a professional in their field. This has to do with being able to teach safe and correct technique that you can perform ad not injure yourself. Using professional hand protection, such as boxing gloves and professional strike targets is vital for safety but also for a great calorie burning workout.
I have watched many a cardio kickboxing or aerobic kickboxing workout and cringed when I see people paying good money to not be shown how to perform correct techniques in a safe way. I see regularly people kicking and punching thin air with speed and power, this is hazardous to the health of your joints.
People should not be punching or kicking into thin air with speed and power, especially if they have never been taught how to deliver the correct hand or foot technique. I am not having a go at aerobic teachers by the way. I would never walk into an aerobics class and try to tell the instructor how to run their class. However I believe the system must be totally flawed if an aerobics teacher can suddenly open up a new class and call it some kind of kickboxing workout, even if they have been on a 2 hour induction course!
To get a real kickboxing calorie burning workout, get yourself along to a professional kickboxing school. Now remember I said “Professional Kickboxing School:” not some hidden down a back alley, kick your butt psycho Rambo wannabe kickboxing class. When you walk into my kickboxing school you will be greeted in a polite and friendly manner. Someone will introduce themselves to you and ask you how they can help you.
Once you have been assessed to be fit and able to take part in a physical training programme, and you have consulted your doctor to ensure you are also okay to do so, we will allow you to take part in an introduction session. In this short session you will be taught some easy stretching routines to warm yourself up for a kickboxing session. You will also be taught some basic techniques that you will be using in future kickboxing sessions. An introductory session will not be a full forty five minute session, but just a short insight into what you are going to become involved in.
You will then progress into your beginner group where you will have an instructor monitoring you to ensure you are performing all the techniques in a safe manner so as not to injure yourself.
You will now be striking the professional kick and punchtargets that our school provides for your convenience. You will start to feel just how much effort it takes to deliver the correct technique onto a professional kicking or punching  strike shield, say compared to kicking out into thin air. You will also feel that your joints are not being extended too far, which is what happens when you punch and kick thin air with speed and power.
Once you start to improve your techniques and are performing them all safely, you will be moved into a slightly more experienced group where you can push yourself a bit harder to burn even more calories and get your cardio strength even better. The point here is that when you are striking targets correctly and safely, you burn far more calories and work far harder than you do when you dance around an aerobic studio throwing out your legs and arms to hyperextend your knee, elbow, wrist and ankle joints.
Now remember that we are talking about a kickboxingworkout here, there is no physical contact taking place with another person. No one is hitting you and you are not hitting anyone else. The strikes are done onto professionally designed punch and kick strike targets as well as professionally designed punch and kick bags. The great thing with a real kickboxing workout is that when you get better at the techniques, with your instructors professional guidance, you will be able to punch and kick the targets even harder and therefore burn even more calories.
The really exciting thing is that every workout will be different. When we run the kickboxing workouts at our school we always ensure that one session is never the same as the next. Now I know obviously that when it comes to getting better at a certain technique then repetition is the mother of success. However if you have a good quality, qualified and motivated instructor, they can disguise this technique repetition with fun and exciting drills.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Kickboxing History

A Kickboxing History

I have been practicing, teaching and competing in kickboxing for over 26 years. I believe that the physical efforts of practicing kickboxing are probably one of the best forms of physical fitness training that someone can do.
Now I am talking about western kickboxing here with the use of modern kick and punch bags and strike shields for kicking and punching techniques. The thing I am getting at here is that I am not talking about an aerobic dance session that has some kind of kicking and punching routine built into it. I am only talking about real kickboxing training here.
So what is kickboxing and where does it come from. We can look back over many years to see the development of what you could call modern western kickboxing as it is today. There are many different ancient styles of kickboxing and martial arts from all over the world. These styles vary greatly with some even having throwing, take down and wrestling techniques within the style. A lot of styles you may never even have heard of before. I will go over a select few ancient styles from different parts of the world.
Bando Kickboxing is a style that derives from Burma. The ancient style was called Lethwei and included strikes with hand, feet, elbows and even headbutts. There are now Bando Kickboxing associations all over the world and they hold major competitions.
 Muay Boran is a kickboxing art that comes from Thailand and is quite similar to Lethwei as in it permits the use of strikes with hand, feet, elbows and headbutts. Muay Boran is believed to be the predecessor of the modern day Muay Thai Boxing.
Muay Thai Boxing is the modern art of Thailand and is in fact their national sport. It still allows the use of full contact knee and elbow strikes but head butting is no longer allowed.
Indian Muki Boxing is also known as Southern Kalaripayattu. This Indian system is probably the oldest fighting system known to man. There were other similar styles for Norther and Central Kalaripayattu. But the southern style was practiced by the Nairs who were a Indian martial cast people of Kerala in India. This style included strikes with feet, hands, knees, elbows and forehead. The system was also devised into dance routines.
Savate Is a style of kickboxing normally associated with France. However there are links with the same style developing in North West Italy and North East Spain all around the same time. This style (in modern days) only allows strikes with the hands and the feet. In modern Savate practitioners still wear their shoes, in fact the word Savate is taken from the French word for “Old Shoe” or “Old Boot”.
Full Contact Karate is more likened to a set of rules than a fighting style, but basically hand and foot strikes are allowed and a win by knockout is allowed.
Sanshou or Sanda is a Chinese style (Kung Fu/Wushu) of kickboxing which allows striking with hands, feet, elbows and knees. Throws and takedowns are also allowed but not wrestling or ground fighting.
Shoot Boxing is a fighting sport from Japan founded in 1985 by Caesar Takeshi. The sport has weight categories and an established set of rules. This is extremely popular in Japan. Rules allow strikes with feet, hands, elbows and knees. Combatants are also allowed to use throws and takedowns. They are also allowed submission techniques while standing but not on the ground as in wrestling.
Freestyle Kickboxing (sometimes known as Oriental rules Kickboxing) is a modern style of kickboxing that allows strikes with the hands and feet. You are not allowed to use elbows or knees but you are allowed to strike with kicks below the waist. The combatants strike to their opponents thighs and calves with their shin bone. This is purely a standing fighting style.
Full Contact Kickboxing is another modern style of kickboxing. This style also allows strikes with the hands and feet but not with the elbows or the knees. Combatants are also only allowed to kick above the waist, similar to western boxing where punches are only allowed above the waist. Competitions in this style of kickboxing usually have a minimum kick rule per round. This is most commonly between six to eight kicks per round with points deducted for not reaching that target.
K1 Kickboxing is not actually a style of kickboxing or martial art, but many people think it is, so that is why I have mentioned it here. K1 is actually a Promotion Company. It was founded by Kazuyoshi Ishii in 1980 in Japan. The rules have changed many times over the years to suit a changing audience and now K1 is famous around the globe. Right now strikes are allowed with hands, feet and knees. No elbow strikes are allowed. Originally K1 stayed in Japan and you could only compete by invitation. Today (July 2011) K1 faces an uncertain future as a promotion company due to financial difficulties.
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is the most modern version of kickboxing as a sport. This combines western boxing and  Muay Thai boxing stand up fighting techniques with the ground fighting techniques of Brazilian Ju Jitsu. MMA is one of the fastest growing sports in the world right now.
When most people talk about kickboxing though, they are talking about either Muay Thai Boxing, Freestyle Kickboxing or Full Contact Kickboxing. When I train my students I use a combination of all three styles. This gives my students a fantastic workout. I will talk about the workout side of kickboxing in further articles.
ps. You will probably find more fighting styles from around the world if you look hard enough, however it was not my intention here to list EVERY single style known to man that has a link to kickboxing. It is only an overview to give you an idea as to where the modern term and style of kickboxing came from. (so sorry if you practice a style I left off the list).